Process and support agency for the arts, artists and arts organisations
Process and support agency for the arts, artists and arts organisations
InfraCult wants to be a network organisation for cultural workers, individual artists and organisations that want to be in the sector in a future-oriented way.
Read more...The cultural sector is being faced with various challenges that create pressure in terms of content, finance and employment. It is important that the accumulated knowledge of cultural workers is spread across the sector in an open source way. An organisation must be able to call on this expertise in an affordable way, while the cultural worker must be able to stay fascinated and passionate about the job without going into a burn-out. This balance is achieved through sharing knowledge and varying assignments.
InfraCult sees opportunities in these challenges and wants to be a network organisation for cultural workers, individual artists and organisations that want to be in the sector in a future-oriented way. After the joint analysis and definition of a question, InfraCult offers total support, based on a co-creative method and provides a sustainable framework tailored to the customer.
Naturally, InfraCult's process support goes beyond consultancy. Our methodologies are not ready-made concepts taken from a folder, but they are systemic, future-oriented solutions, originating from the care for the specific assignment and the communication between InfraCult and the various stakeholders. This also includes preparation, follow-up and adjustment. A co-creative process is only ready when, together with the team, we arrive at a workable long-term solution in an innovative, future-oriented and flexible manner.
In the first phase, we will analyse the process and look for opportunities and uncover the potential in collaboration with a core team of the organisation. This analysis results in well-founded recommendations. InfraCult substantiates this with previous experiences and a network to always connect the right people with each other. In the execution/implementation of the advice, InfraCult offers the necessary external support to achieve objectives in a documented and transparent way.
Of course, InfraCult can also be called in to streamline or adjust a process that has already been started. The scope and interpretation of our work always arises based on the question from and the conversation with the organisation or the individual.
In addition, InfraCult has experience in writing dossiers - subsidy applications, investment files, preliminary studies and master plans - and giving lectures and training courses. Finally, the sustainability approach connects InfraCult to an environment where transitions are taking place. InfraCult took part in the creation of numerous initiatives in the sector such as Sectorgids, Pulse Transitienetwerk, Recoep, Jonge Sla and Eco-Atelier.
InfraCult was founded by Johan Penson, a thoroughbred cultural worker, who puts his years of experience, his expertise and established network at the service of the sector, individual artists or organisations.
Read more...Johan believes in connection, sustainability and progress, finds opportunities in difficulties and knows how to bring out the best in others. These values guide him in his work for InfraCult.
His detailed work experience can be found on LinkedIn. Johan is included in the database of KOPILOOT - an initiative of Flanders Innovation & Entrepreneurship, Flanders DC and Cultuurloket. He also has a Twitter
Every professional collaboration is conducted based on the General Terms and Conditions
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InfraCult BV - Johan Penson
Molenmeers 44
B-8000 Brugge
+32 (0)478 345 777
BE 0669.888.730
These customers have called on the services of InfraCult:
De Lichte Cavalerie - Sociaal Fonds Podiumkunsten - Raversyde - Muziekcentrum Dranouter - Cactus Muziekcentrum - Amsterdamse Hogeschool Kunsten - Vives Hogeschool - Pianofabriek Opleidingscentrum - Vrijstaat-O. - Flagey - Collectief Balloon Bridge - Vlaamse Hogescholenraad - VVC - Overleg Kunstenorganisaties - Team Covexit - Agentschap Cultuur, Jeugd en Media - KAAP - Needcompany - deSingel - Wolters Kluwer - NTGent - Het Entrepot - Operaballet Vlaanderen - Werkplaats immaterieel erfgoed - Cultuurloket - Advisers - Leuven - OPEK Leuven – Danish National School Of Performing Arts - Walpurgis deFENIKS - Doek vzw - Peeping Tom - Republiek - Brugge Plus – Konekt - Ambrassade - Compagnie Cecilia - 30CC - Hof van Busleyden - Mu.ZEE - T.O.R.C. - Moussem - Museum Dhondt-Dhaenens - Koninklijk Conservatorium Antwerpen - Tg STAN - Ultima Vez - Wim Vandekeybus - Ritcs - De Grote Post - Rataplan - Robbrechtendaem architecten - Ermias Kifleyesus - Belgian National Orchestra - GLEAN (HART) - Pulse Transitienetwerk - Stad Oudenaarde Woeker XL - Kunstencentrum BUDA - CC 't Schaliken - be•at venues - AP Hogeschool - Universiteit Antwerpen - CC Herbakker - Stichting Andries - Vanlouwe